Movements that Knees don't like ..and what to do about it.

Movements that Knees don't like ..and what you can do about it.

Do you often find yourself with sore knee/s and not sure what caused it. Or are you constantly getting injured Are you feeling this more than you did a few years ago even though you are doing less?

Often it is our daily movement patterns that make us more vulnerable to injury. As we get a bit older, and our body gets less forgiving, we find ourselves more vulnerable to injury and pain.

This is particularly common during menopause as oestrogen production in our bodies decreases. Oestogen helps to keep inflammation down our joints, so with less oestogen we feel more pain and discomfort. During menopause, we also experience a reduction in collagen in our surrounding ligaments and tendons, which makes them more stiff but also more injury prone.

The most obvious solution: To move more and keep those joints lubricated! But it has to be in the right way.

Alignment and good movement patterns are very important for the longevity of our knees. Check out the video belwo for some of the movement patterns that knees don't like and everyday movements you can do to make your knees stronger, less stiff and less injury prone.

Let me know if this helps you!