
10 Tips for Winter Hydration

10 Tips for Winter Hydration

Dry skin, muscle cramps, headaches, dizziness and seasonal depression; these are all symptoms of dehydration, at any time of year.

In warmer weather it is easier to gauge when we are thirsty. We crave refreshment and coolness and we perspire more. In cold weather however, We miss many of the usual cues from our body. Our sweat turns into vapour and we lose hydration by breathing, especially when it is cold and dry. We can feel up to 40% less thirsty than in summer even though our bodies still need the same amount of hydration year-round.

Finally . . . Sleep.

Finally . . . Sleep.

Insomnia and inability to sleep are a 'perk' of midlife for many women.... and the flow on effect of bad or no sleep on to general health and other menopausal symptoms is massive. Weight gain, stress, hot flushes, anxiety, irritation, anger, brain fog and the list goes on.

It is a chicken and egg situation and no two women have the same hormonal response to perimenopause & menopause. But.... there a few hacks that you can put in place to help you sleep better.