Women's Health

Your thyroid and you

Your thyroid and you

Women are far more likely than men to suffer from thyroid issues, especially in their 40s or 50s as they approach menopause.

Nothing works in isolation in the body. The drop in estrogen and progesterone levels at this time of life impact the entire endocrine system, and from there, the rest of the body. The thyroid is It is important for your metabolism, your heart rate and your body temperature. It helps regulate your weight, your mood, your bone and brain health.

Finally . . . Sleep.

Finally . . . Sleep.

Insomnia and inability to sleep are a 'perk' of midlife for many women.... and the flow on effect of bad or no sleep on to general health and other menopausal symptoms is massive. Weight gain, stress, hot flushes, anxiety, irritation, anger, brain fog and the list goes on.

It is a chicken and egg situation and no two women have the same hormonal response to perimenopause & menopause. But.... there a few hacks that you can put in place to help you sleep better.

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Did you know that heart disease is the largest killer of women in the world?  In Australia, heart disease causes almost three times as many deaths in women as breast cancer.   And yet, all the public health awareness campaigns for heart attacks tend to target men and male heart attack symptoms, which can be very different to female symptoms.